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All Cameras >> Sigma >> Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG ASP DF

Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG ASP DF Lens Sample Photos

Random Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG ASP DF Samples from 8026 available Photos more
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Guest 13-Dec-2008 05:53
I relatively recently purchased this lens and am very happy with the results. I was a little worried about the lens's ability to perform as I admit I am a bit of a lens snob. I currently shoot a Nikon D200 and have always used Nikkor glass. However my main workhorse was a Nikkon 35-70 3.5-4.5, not very fast, was a kit lens from back in the film days...Super sharp images but I decided to upgrade. The first Sigma I got had small bubbles in the glass, which did not seem to show up in the pics. I returned that painlessly, and Amazon quickly sent another one which was perfect. I love the lens, the build, and the feel. People who say it's too big I disagree with. But then again, I put vertical grips on all my gear also.
I found the images to be very sharp when lined up against images from my nikkor glass fact, I am really hard pressed to see a difference.
Here are some of my shots with this lens. Hope you enjoy... ---Most of these last ones anyway
Guest 13-Dec-2008 05:52
I relatively recently purchased this lens and am very happy with the results. I was a little worried about the lens's ability to perform as I admit I am a bit of a lens snob. I currently shoot a Nikon D200 and have always used Nikkor glass. However my main workhorse was a Nikkon 35-70 3.5-4.5, not very fast, was a kit lens from back in the film days...Super sharp images but I decided to upgrade. The first Sigma I got had small bubbles in the glass, which did not seem to show up in the pics. I returned that painlessly, and Amazon quickly sent another one which was perfect. I love the lens, the build, and the feel. People who say it's too big I disagree with. But then again, I put vertical grips on all my gear also.
I found the images to be very sharp when lined up against images from my nikkor glass fact, I am really hard pressed to see a difference.
Here are some of my shots with this lens. Hope you enjoy... ---Most of these last ones anyway
Andrew Holman02-Nov-2008 15:38
I really like this lens now I have dialed it into my D300 with fine tune AF. It is a very useful focal length. I am lusting after the new Nikon 24-70mm AFS, but I can't see how it can be any sharper in the F8 range.... this exaple should show. And for the price it is a sure winner in my book.
Guest 13-Jun-2008 01:05
I love this lens, check out my gallery under bike show
Mike Liquorish Captured Frame01-Feb-2008 10:09
Have been using this lens for approx 12 months,fiirstly on Canon 350d with very good results,had intended to sell it when I changed to Canon 5D but after using it with the full frame I felt it was to good to let go, has good colour, great indoors,and has so far proved to be an exceptional walk around lens ( maybe I have an extra good copy) but i have heard of similar results from others with 5D`s. Ok it`s not L glass but if you gey a good copy it`s not far behind solid build quality has a nice sharpness ,some softnes at edges wide open, but improves quickly as you stop down. major downside is at 82mm filters tend to get a bit pricey but I can live with that for the saving in price against L glass equivelent. I would recomend this lens to any one on a buget looking for aa pice of quality glass
James Clarke25-Apr-2007 07:17
After using this lens (Nikon F mount version) for almost a year on Nikon D50 (1.5x crop) and also on Nikon FM3a and Nikon F90x (aka N90s in the US) film cameras here's what I've found so far (note this not a very scientific analysis this just based on my observation from use, I'm not in to shooting brick walls and test charts):-

Focal Length:- Brilliant on Full Frame Film Camera, not so great on a Digital 1.5x crop, but more useful than a 28-70 on 1.5x crop. Focal length equivalent on a 1.5x crop = 36-105

Size Weight:- Huge and Heavy, but then again so are any other Full Frame 24-70 f/2.8 or 28 -70 f/2.8 lenses. Feels a bit awkward at first on my Nikon D50 and my friends FM3a, felt perfect on another friends F90x. I'm sure it's more suited to in terms of weight and feel with a D200 or D2X.

Noise:- Uses the in Camera Motor so it's noisy, but not irritating.

Focusing:- It is very fast, accurate and rarely hunts. Some people dislike the clutch mechanism, but I think it's great because it actually has torque when using it on a manual focus camera (like the FM3a), most other AF lens I've tried on manual focus cameras are too lose to be useful.

Sharpness: On my Nikon D50 it's sharp at 24mm open wide, at 70mm it requires stopping down to about f/4.5 for the same sharpness, but even at f/2.8 it's beyond any kit lens' sharpness. Not sure how it would go on a 10MP or 12MP camera though. The film shots came up sharp at 24mm open wide too.

Colour: This lens has the most vivid colours in available light indoor shooting I've ever seen and amazing outdoors in even lighting. A weak spot for this lens is strong contrast lighting where it seems to clip more detail out of shadows than other lenses.

Auto Exposure: It is not as accurate compared to some other lens on my D50 sometimes the shots are too dark, stopping up solves the problem, I would say this is an issue with the camera software and not the lens.

Distortions: Not noticeable with the eye at any focal length on a crop camera. Some noticeable barrel distortions at the wide end on a full frame, but nothing worse than average for a lens with this focal length range.

Macro/Close up: While not a true Macro lens, it focuses slightly closer than the 40mm specified (about 37mm). At 65-70mm I love this lens for close up work, absolutely buttery bokeh from f/2.8 - f/4.

Other: With the built in-flash on the D50 there is lens shadow from 24-35mm, but this is solved by using a external speedlight.

I've heard the smaller Sigma 28-70 and Sigma 24-60 are even better for around the same price, but I need the 24-70 range for the shooting I do. So I guess you have to decide on what range you need.

Now some examples:-

"Rock Concert" ISO 1600 (mostly available light, some with flash):-

"Flowers" close up:-

"Sailing Ship" outdoor general shoots (only the first 7 shots of the gallery are taken with this lens):-

"Motor Show" indoor available lighting ISO 200-1600 (some with flash):-
James Clarke13-Mar-2007 00:41
Some Close Up Shots with this lens
James Clarke18-Aug-2006 00:19
I mean (forget using the URL tags in this area of the site)
James Clarke18-Aug-2006 00:19
Sorry the previous should have been [url[/url]
James Clarke18-Aug-2006 00:18
See this gallery it was done entirely with this lens [url[/url] and it shows just how good this lens is for low light work
James Clarke11-Jun-2006 12:59
I just got this one and so far I'm impressed, beautiful colours simular to Canon "L" glass. I'm using the Nikon version which uses the Camera's motor for the focusing so it is a little noisy. Build quality is excellent, well not as good as my mate's Canon 24-105 f/4 L lens, but a lot better than my Nikkor 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 and Nikkor 70-300 f/4-5.6... Oh and it's fast... for the price it is a bargin considering the Canon 24-70 f/2.8 L or the Nikor 28-70 f/2.8 cost 3 to 4 times the price!
Guest 27-Feb-2006 02:08
How do you like this lens if you have one? Thanks.

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