I had the very great pleasure and privilege to spend the afternoon with one of Pbase's finest (and self-deprecating) photographers, José Pinto. José is one of the nicest people you could hope to meet, and went out of his way to show me around his part of the world - despite the constant drizzle. I have met José once before, last year, when Pedro Libório and I spent an afternoon (with better weather) with him as he showed us where he took his photographs - that time, though, I didn't really get much of a chance to talk to him, and our plans to meet up again the following weekend came to naught, as did my hopes of getting over to Portugal last summer. I had an excellent time despite the atrocious weather, and while the light wasn't helping, I think I managed to get a couple of reasonable photographs before having to make my way to Leiria and the bus back to Lisbon. Foi um dia óptimo (apesar do tempo), José. Obrigadíssimo. Um abraço forte, Stu.