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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> December 2005 > Christmas Cookies
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Christmas Cookies

I had to cross into forbiden territory to get this PAD for you all to see.

Tonight I was ordered to NOT eat any of these cookies!

Abby baked some cookies to take to work tomorrow. In the spirit of the Chirstmas season Abby's big corporate employer is allowing their employees to donate work time to a local retirement community. Many of it's residents spend the Christmas season as well as all other season alone.

This is a way for the company to donate back to the community by allowing it's employee's to take a few hours and visit with folks that would other wise being staring at four walls. Many folks are bringing home cooked meals to share. Abby was asked to bring home baked sweets, her forte.

NO cookies were harmed in the making of this PAD.

other sizes: small medium original auto
royalld19-Dec-2005 14:19
How could you not 'spirit away' just one?
Renee Lockett19-Dec-2005 12:23
Superb photo and your commentary is hillarious. :)
Josy's Pics19-Dec-2005 10:05
Excellent!, it looks delicious.
Guest 19-Dec-2005 07:39 the last sentence.
tempting shot.
Guest 19-Dec-2005 07:01
Abby, did you send mine out??! LOL!!
Uncle Mike 19-Dec-2005 06:44
Like the vibrant reds and greens of the cookies against the blurred background. Nice story associated with the cookies also.
Graham Tomlin19-Dec-2005 05:15
lovely regards Helen
Linda Willets19-Dec-2005 04:13
beautiful cookies..
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