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Holiday Home

Well keeping with my holiday theme we had to go visit our holiday vacation home.

Haha, I hope you don't believe anything I say, do you?

So we went to visit the Biltmore Estate today in Asheville, NC.

After we toured the house, for the 3rd time this year, I sat up the tripod and we worked on some Christmas card ideas Abby had. This one will not be a Christmas card it is just an outtake.

On a side note the house was very nice, every room had a different decorated tree that matched the theme of that room and it's former occupant or use.

On a down note the Biltmore Estate does not allow photography inside the house, that is why I don't have any to show you. But I think they have some at the front page has a slide show if you watch it.

When our season pass expires they will give is a evaluation form and it has a place for suggestions to improve the season pass holder experience. I am going to suggest that they do a one week a year or even just one weekend a year that allows indoor photography to pass holders. They could even do it on the week that is normally their worst for visitors as a way to get move visitation.

I have a outtake of the full front of the estate that I took when the morning clouds were very low. It has a dark broody feel. Check it out here.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/200s f/9.0 at 25.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
kimberly 25-Jun-2006 15:53
Good pic. We took our family there last summer. Its gorgeous isnt it? Too bad you arent allowed to photograph inside.
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