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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> PAD 2005 MY FAVORITES! > Holiday Frost
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Holiday Frost

Went out this morning looking for things to shoot in the frost.

Here is a gallery of my finds.

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Guest 15-Apr-2007 12:43
beautiful image!
Guest 12-Dec-2005 02:23
Uncle Mike 11-Dec-2005 07:10
Great shot!! Love the vibrant color of the leaf offset by the white frost crystals.
...duncan11-Dec-2005 02:07
The photo has a lot of pop to it. well done.
don nieman10-Dec-2005 23:46
Nice detail and interesting crystals.
Guest 10-Dec-2005 21:44
Lovely macro with excellent details and colour.
arminb10-Dec-2005 21:43
Lovely color contrast!
joanteno10-Dec-2005 21:25
Excellent shot!
Herb 10-Dec-2005 20:59
Nice image
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