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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> December 2005 > Abby by Holiday Decorations
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Abby by Holiday Decorations

Tonight we went for a walk thru Market Square in downtown Knoxville to see the decorations. That light that appears to be a fire in the background is a small green space in downtown that they have placed thousands of lights around all the trees thru the walkway.

This link shows my favorite from the set but Abby like the one posted as PAD better. Gotta keep the model happy!

This one uses the glow filter.

As always the rest of my PAD Outtakes can be found here.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/13s f/2.8 at 50.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
James Lundy05-Dec-2005 01:46
A great photo of Abby.
Guest 03-Dec-2005 21:40
this one is definitly better, she looks fab
Chris Sofopoulos03-Dec-2005 15:07
Very nice portrait and use of DOF!
Buz Kiefer03-Dec-2005 14:43
Very nice portrait James. I believe I like this one a bit better. The color is natural.
Guest 03-Dec-2005 08:45
Wonderful Shot ..very expressive
carol j. phipps03-Dec-2005 07:01
Nice, expressive closeup.
Dan Chusid03-Dec-2005 06:29
The lip gloss is shining
and so are the eyes!
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