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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> December 2005 > Holiday Tree Trimming
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Holiday Tree Trimming

Not in the way that you should during the holidays! Damnit!

Well this is not the way I wanted to start my holiday themed month of December.

When I got home the entire neighborhood (of townhomes) was being demolished by a hoard of tree cutters, it was like a bad Capitol One Card commercial down here.

The property owners have decided to "trim" all the trees in time for the holidays. Well really to prevent property damage from over grown trees too close to the townhomes.

Many of the largest trees were simply cut down to prevent them from falling on to roofs, some are being destroyed by bugs.

So I ask this guy, before he started on our tree, "Are you cutting, or trimming?" Oh just trimming he says. Yeah right Jackass! This is how my tree looked before.

Oh btw I mangled pixels, worse than he did my tree, when making this composite so I am sure it looks pretty bad on your screen. In RAW, from the same single image, I changed the exposure to bring out the sky and then one of the ground. I didn't have much luck putting them together and making the composite. It looks strange on my screen.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Composite image from a single RAW image file. One image for the sky and one for the ground then layered in Photoshop and erased the blown sky to expose the better sky in the underneath layer. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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J. Scott Coile03-Dec-2005 00:30
Frustrating isn't it. They never have a good scientific argument for the benefit of this process. When all of those sucker branches come out in the spring crowding each other out, we'll see what kind of problem they'll have from those trees on down the road :(
Graham Tomlin02-Dec-2005 19:09
good picture regards Helen
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