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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Picture of the Day >> springs >> May 2005 > on the tracks ~ May 8th
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08-MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

on the tracks ~ May 8th

rainy Mother's Day at the Cape....

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/200s f/2.8 at 31.2mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Phil24-Jun-2006 22:35
thisis a wonderful shot,
René Gysi12-Jun-2006 12:04
Superb composition.
George Christakos10-Mar-2006 14:39
Superb capture. Very atmospheric. Bravo. My vote.
Manny02-Mar-2006 21:20
Excellent shot.
Guest 10-May-2005 11:17
Wonderful !
Guest 09-May-2005 13:38
Wonderful perspective. Composition is perfect.
Donna Pownall09-May-2005 11:44
Nice image
Stu09-May-2005 09:29
Chris Sofopoulos09-May-2005 07:12
Really great, very atmospheric shot. Excellent composition with the trees on both sides and the rails at the centre. An this person walking. Voted of course!
Steven Jusczyk09-May-2005 05:25
Beautiful the way the tracks melt into the sky.
Guest 09-May-2005 02:57
Nice, I like the contrast on the tracks
Gul Chotrani09-May-2005 02:32
Very nicely done......
Mindy McNaugher09-May-2005 02:05
Fabulous image!
Guest 09-May-2005 02:04
Very nice,Lori.
laine8209-May-2005 02:02
This was most likely a common sight once. I hope there's no danger of a surprise coming over that rise, Lori :>) Nice cool image.
jude09-May-2005 01:48