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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Picture of the Day >> springs >> May 2005 > house on the corner ~ May 7th
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06-MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

house on the corner ~ May 7th

This is the house I see each day when I park my car for work. It's a beautiful home and especially looks so lovely with the flowering trees. I was compelled to get an image of it. I took it yesterday and was planning to post it, but then got the amazing surprise flowers from the kids.

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/320s f/4.0 at 13.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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laine8209-May-2005 02:00
It's a lovely house, but those flowers from the kids, were extra special, so I see why you held back on this one, Lori.
don nieman08-May-2005 14:10
Very nicely done! Great composition.
Guest 07-May-2005 14:13
It does look like a beautiful home, and the white fence adds a nice touch. Good shot!