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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Picture of the Day >> springs >> May 2005 > "once upon a time"..... May 10th
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MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

"once upon a time"..... May 10th

also taken on the rainy mother's day.....

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/100s f/2.8 at 32.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 19-Feb-2007 01:44
very nice image lori. like you went back in time with a color camera.
Guest 11-May-2005 13:58
Lori this is an excellent photo!
Chris Sofopoulos11-May-2005 00:19
Very interesting composition. I like the angle and colours. Great work.
laine8210-May-2005 11:05
That's a nice scene, Lori.