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Deems Burton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Sunrises and the Sunsets tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Sunrises and the Sunsets

A collective photo gallery from some spectacular beginnings and endings of a day in my life.
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Sunrise highlights the Minarets near Shadow Lake
Sunrise highlights the Minarets near Shadow Lake
Minaret sunrise near Shadow Lake
Minaret sunrise near Shadow Lake
Virginia Lake morning reflections
Virginia Lake morning reflections
Mott Lake cirque sunset
Mott Lake cirque sunset
Three Island Lake sunset after fierce thunderstorms
Three Island Lake sunset after fierce thunderstorms
Heart Lake near Selden Pass on the Muir Trail
Heart Lake near Selden Pass on the Muir Trail
Heart Lake sunrise near Selden pass
Heart Lake sunrise near Selden pass
John Muir Memorial Shelter  at 11955 ft on Muir Pass
John Muir Memorial Shelter at 11955 ft on Muir Pass
Muir Pass  Shelter as the sun sets in the west
Muir Pass Shelter as the sun sets in the west
Sunset from Muir Pass on the Pacific Crest Trail
Sunset from Muir Pass on the Pacific Crest Trail
Sunset  from Muir Pass and the night begins
Sunset from Muir Pass and the night begins
Sunrise on north side of Forester Pass, at the last campsite sheltered with trees
Sunrise on north side of Forester Pass, at the last campsite sheltered with trees
Sunrise on north side of Forester Pass through whitebark pines
Sunrise on north side of Forester Pass through whitebark pines
Sunset color bands on ridges above lake near southern edge of Sequoia National Park
Sunset color bands on ridges above lake near southern edge of Sequoia National Park
Sunset color bands on ridgeline
Sunset color bands on ridgeline
Sunset in the Sierra, Bear Basin
Sunset in the Sierra, Bear Basin
McGee lake reflections
McGee lake reflections
Sunset thunderstorm at Three Island Lake
Sunset thunderstorm at Three Island Lake
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