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John Muir Memorial Shelter at 11955 ft on Muir Pass

The vintage sepia look and tone in the rock, hut, mountains, sky, and clouds is from modern software. Monte Dodge helped take a simple photo of mine from today back into the past and created a masterpiece. I hiked many miles to take the photo, and Monte clicked many times to transform it into a masterpiece! It is one of my favorite from my JMT hike of 2005. Thanks Monte!!

Canon PowerShot A70
1/320s f/4.5 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don Knight 28-Dec-2010 22:50
I was reading a book about 4 fliers in the Army air corps that crashed into Mt. Mendel in 1942 while on a training flight. The crash site is only about 2000 yards from the Muir Trail just north of the stone hut on Muir Pass. We looked on the internet and found some information about the Hut what , where, and why, but nothing about the people who actually participated in the construction.

It happened in 1930, when I was 3 years of age. My father and mother, Walt and Azalea Knight, along with Wes and Lou Qualls, were the principal packers. I was with them through the entire summer. Sometimes a young man in his teens, named Bobby Pesterfield, would help. They supplied the construction site with all of their materials: sand, cement, lime, tools, food, and water for the men at a camp on the constructin site, as well as the supplies for three additional campsites between Mono Hot Springs and Muir Pass. One at Blayney Meadows, one at the east end of Evolution Valley, and one the the end of the road at Mono. Sometimes we would go with my father and sometimes my mother and I would stay around camp and fish. We did eat a lot of trout that summer. My father and Wes would change to different parts of the trip from time to time, so our campsites would change. I was only back to the Hut once, sometime in the 1940's. The man who actually did the construction of the Hut was Mike Wentz, but I don't know the names of his helpers. Anyone interested in the book about the air crash near the Muir Trail should go to Amazon Books. The name of the book is "Final Flight" by Peter Stekel - a great read!, and it brought back many memories. At 83 I know I will never go back to the bleak, stark beauty of Muir Pass. By Don Knight 12/28/2010
nanajudy02-Dec-2009 01:17
that is awesome thanks for sharing
Guest 20-Sep-2007 14:48
Wonderful image. Last visited the hut about 28 years ago with my dad while doing the JMT (just emailed him to come have a look!).

Thanks for sharing.
Guest 18-Jun-2007 03:13
I've been there many times, and I've seen many images of the hut, but this is definitely the best. A truly great shot that brings back a lot of memories.
guest 11-Apr-2006 02:57
Truly it is a masterpiece - and this and the previous photo together make such a testimony to the wonders of nature, yet also our ability to transform our perception of it so greatly.
Super job! thank you !

Harold Wood
Webmaster, John Muir Exhibit
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