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Dave Beedon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Drive to Arizona and back tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Drive to Arizona and back

In December 2015 I drove from Renton, Washington to Maricopa, Arizona, a distance of about 1700 miles (2700 km). I went there to join my wife, who had driven there a few weeks earlier. With me was our cat Binky and our bird Benny. The route made use of pet-friendly Motel 6 facilities and avoided snow or the chance of snow at Siskiyou Pass, Oregon and Tehachapi Pass, California.

My route and daily mileage were as follows. Day 1: to Grants Pass, Oregon (410 miles). Day 2: to Ukiah, California (323 miles). Day 3: to San Luis Obispo (355 miles). Day 4: to Brawley, California (415 miles). Day 5: to Maricopa (235 miles).

In May of 2016 I and my wife drove back to Renton, staying in motels in the California cities of Bakersfield and Weed.

Newest uploads are at the bottom of the gallery.

Ready to install the roof box
Ready to install the roof box
400 miles of rain
400 miles of rain
Snowy surprise in Grants Pass
Snowy surprise in Grants Pass
It's the climate!... 20151213_1058
"It's the climate"!... 20151213_1058
Benny in the car
Benny in the car
Motel bird
Motel bird
Binky in Motel 6
Binky in Motel 6
Binky relaxing outside the kennel
Binky relaxing outside the kennel
First close view of the Pacific Ocean
First close view of the Pacific Ocean
The nightmare of San Francisco
The nightmare of San Francisco
Binky in the kennel
Binky in the kennel
Motel 6 in Brawley
Motel 6 in Brawley
Washingtonians cross paths far from home
Washingtonians cross paths far from home
Letter A near Roll, Arizona
Letter "A" near Roll, Arizona
The Green Weenie, packed for a road trip
The Green Weenie, packed for a road trip
Trike, secured in the car
Trike, secured in the car
Anchoring detail
Anchoring detail
Trike-anchoring components
Trike-anchoring components
Cheap gas in Maricopa, Arizona
Cheap gas in Maricopa, Arizona
Paying a bridge toll on-line
Paying a bridge toll on-line
Departing Maricopa
Departing Maricopa
Pottery at Kramer Junction
Pottery at Kramer Junction
Load of junk
Load of junk
Mobil station in Bakersfield
Mobil station in Bakersfield
T.I.P. trailer near Red Bluff... 20160502
T.I.P. trailer near Red Bluff... 20160502
Interstate 5 pavement detail
Interstate 5 pavement detail