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Nagpur, manifestation domestic workers

When we were in Napur city to make photo prints I had taken that week, we run into a manifestation of Domestic Workers. Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja was accused and arrested on rape charges after a complain by his domestic worker. I had seen on TV that the media made a big point of this, and in fact showed family and friends and collegues of Shiney who told what a good guy he is and that he never could have done such a thing, that it were lies and a complot against him.

It is true, as a outstander I do not know what has happen, but what I did see was that this had as well gender factor(man against woman's word) as a class one (a rich and famous actor against a poor domestic worker). It almost is a prophesy to foresee that when a poor woman dare to stand up against a rich and famous one, it quickly will turn against her. So I was very touched when I saw this vigil in support of domestic workers and their human rights. I found it brave and courageous.
They were saying "we demand that no domestic worker get raped again, this has to stop..." In all case, this demand has my full support.