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lejun | all galleries >> "Birdseye View" >> Finches, Grosbeaks, Tanagers, Buntings & Orioles >> Tanager Gallery >> Harbinger of Spring....the Summer Tanager > Male
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08-APR-2012 Lejun


Copyright © Lewis Scharpf

Mature Adult Male
Banded Bird
Fort Morgan, Alabama
Bird Banding Station
Hummingbird Research, Inc.
This is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2009 by Fred Bassett
to promote the conservation of hummingbirds through research and education.
They are a sister organization of the Hummer/Bird Study Group (HBSG).
The website for this group is at

These groups monitor population levels and the general condition of migrant birds,
as well as gaining important insights into the effects of weather on bird migration
More about this group can be found at

Thanks to Fred Bassett for allowing photographing of these birds.

Nikon D200 ,AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm 1:4 G ED VR
1/90s f/14.0 at 120.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto