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John Barreiro | profile | all galleries >> Subotica, Serbia >> Subotica Savings Bank tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Subotica Savings Bank | Raichle Palota | Subotica Zsinagóga

Subotica Savings Bank

After completing the large Subotica Synagogue in 1902, the local architectural team Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab awaited the commission of the City Hall. In the meantime, they designed the Subotica Savings Bank on Korzo Street, today a pedestrian only shopping street.

The squirrel and beehives, symbols of thrift, are decorative elements. I would rate this building as the fourth most important Art Nouveau building in Subotica after the City Hall, the Synagogue and the wonderful Raichle Palace.

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