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Subotica Savings Bank | Raichle Palota | Subotica Zsinagóga

Raichle Palota

Raichle Mansion and Apartments

In 1895, 26-year-old architect Ferenc J. Raichle settled in Subotica, then part of the Kingdom of Hungary. The area was experiencing a boom. The era is now referred to as the city’s golden age. In that same year, he married the daughter of the city’s mayor, which help lead to his obtaining commissions. Raichle adopted a lavish lifestyle. In 1903, he purchased land on west side of Maria Theresa Square. He built the elaborate family home which include his design studio. After it was completed the following year an adjacent apartment building was added on the south side.

The buildings were built in the Hungarian Art Nouveau (Magyar Szecesszió) style.

The family’s stay was short-lived. The new mayor awarded prize architectural comissions to the team of Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab. Raichle also participated in risky business ventures. This led to bankruptcy and the family left the city in disgrace in 1906.

Raichle was able to revive his career in the nearby city of Szeged where he created several of the city’s most prominent buildings.

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Zolnay Ceramics
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Quadrilingual Sign
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Exterior at Night
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Raichle-palota Interior
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Garden & Alley at Night
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