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Kuriacose Joseph | profile | all galleries >> Various other notable travels >> Visit to Guinee and Senegal 2012 >> Lac Rose, Senegal tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Getting to Conakry, Guinee | Roujiuatou Barry goes home | Conakry to Dalaba | Discovering Dalaba, Guinee | Visit to Pont-de-Dieu | To the waterfall at Ditinn, Guinee | Trip to Sebory, Guinee | Sunday - Market day in Dalaba, Guinee | Pita, and the Kinkon and Kambadaga Falls | A day of rest | Destination Tambacounda, Senegal | Tamba to Lac Rose, Senegal | Lac Rose, Senegal | To Kayar and St. Louis in Senegal | From our hotel room window in St. Louis, Senegal | Visit to La Langue de Barbarie | Back in St. Louis, Senegal | St. Louis on the last day | To Lampoul Campement, Senegal | Lampoul to Dakar through Touba, Senegal | Goree Island, Senegal | Back in Dakar, Senegal | Toubacouta, through Kaolak, Senegal | Visit to Sipo Village, and then onto Tambacounda, Senegal | Tamba, Senegal, to Dalaba, Guinee | From Dalaba, Guinee, to Gaithersburg, MD

Lac Rose, Senegal

Lac Rose is quite close to Dakar, slightly to the north of it.

We arrived early enough in the evening that we had time to do the tours that were planned for us.
Checking in - our room at Lac Rose
Checking in - our room at Lac Rose
The resort
The resort
Salt piles beside the lake
Salt piles beside the lake
A tinge of pink
A tinge of pink
Macky Sall
Macky Sall
The Lac Rose
The Lac Rose
Our tour vehicle
Our tour vehicle
Another section of the shore
Another section of the shore
Handling the salt
Handling the salt
Growing lettuce
Growing lettuce
Arriving at the Fulani village near the beach
Arriving at the Fulani village near the beach
The water jug
The water jug
The child
The child
Shadows in the setting light
Shadows in the setting light
A shady tree
A shady tree
A home
A home
Bargaining with the village chief
Bargaining with the village chief
A gift from the chief
A gift from the chief
Bargaining with the chief's brother
Bargaining with the chief's brother
The chief's family
The chief's family
The Fulani village below us
The Fulani village below us
Palm trees
Palm trees
The kid driving our vehicle over the dunes
The kid driving our vehicle over the dunes
Homeward bound
Homeward bound
On top of a hill
On top of a hill
Here I am
Here I am
Blowin' in the wind
Blowin' in the wind
Carrying firewood
Carrying firewood
On the beach
On the beach
Evening sun
Evening sun
In the water
In the water
Evening clouds
Evening clouds
Stange evening colors
Stange evening colors
In the setting sun
In the setting sun
The roof of our room
The roof of our room
Reaching for the moon
Reaching for the moon
The resort's tourist shop before opening time
The resort's tourist shop before opening time
The resort's cat
The resort's cat
In the middle of the trash
In the middle of the trash
Getting to work in the lake with the salt piles behind them
Getting to work in the lake with the salt piles behind them
In the early morning light
In the early morning light
Spur winged plover
Spur winged plover
Over the water
Over the water
In form
In form
Unidentified waterfowl
Unidentified waterfowl
A distant shore
A distant shore
At work
At work
A few buildings
A few buildings
Salt hills in the early morning light
Salt hills in the early morning light
A Senegal Thick-knee apparently
A Senegal Thick-knee apparently
Digging up the salt
Digging up the salt
Along the shore
Along the shore
Heading for the beach
Heading for the beach
The tree
The tree
Ready to join me for a walk
Ready to join me for a walk
Out early in the morning
Out early in the morning
Garbage on the beach
Garbage on the beach
The crab army advances
The crab army advances
Like alien beings
Like alien beings
A dead creature from the sea
A dead creature from the sea
My hole in the sand
My hole in the sand
The girl on the hill
The girl on the hill
The dog that followed us home
The dog that followed us home
It sat there for a long time
It sat there for a long time
The flower
The flower
Enjoying a book
Enjoying a book
Loading the luggage for the next move
Loading the luggage for the next move