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Holland Shoaf | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Questionable Doctrines and other neat stuff tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Questionable Doctrines and other neat stuff

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KJV..........still number one with God !
KJV..........still number one with God !
Compelling Evidence of God !
Compelling Evidence of God !
Jehovah Witnesses and the Watchtower !
Jehovah Witnesses and the Watchtower !
What happens the moment you die ? ( Instantaneous Resurrection )
What happens the moment you die ? ( Instantaneous Resurrection )
Does the Koran claim Jesus divine ?
Does the Koran claim Jesus divine ?
Islams biggest lie
Islams biggest lie
Which respects truth , the Bible or Quran ?
Which respects truth , the Bible or Quran ?
cross 1.jpg
cross 1.jpg
Do Catholics Study their Bibles ?
Do Catholics Study their Bibles ?
How Christians should view the LGBTQ movement
How Christians should view the LGBTQ movement
Chick Tract Challenge
Chick Tract Challenge
Allahs Curse.jpg
Allahs Curse.jpg
tongues 1.jpg
tongues 1.jpg
tongues 2.jpg
tongues 2.jpg
Door to door.jpg
Door to door.jpg
slain in the spirit.jpg
slain in the spirit.jpg
Abraham and Isaac.jpg
Abraham and Isaac.jpg
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