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Holland Shoaf | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Questionable Doctrines and other neat stuff tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Questionable Doctrines and other neat stuff

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KJV..........still number one with God !
KJV..........still number one with God !
Compelling Evidence of God !
Compelling Evidence of God !
Jehovah Witnesses and the Watchtower !
Jehovah Witnesses and the Watchtower !
What happens the moment you die ? ( Instantaneous Resurrection )
What happens the moment you die ? ( Instantaneous Resurrection )
Does the Koran claim Jesus divine ?
Does the Koran claim Jesus divine ?
Islams biggest lie
Islams biggest lie
Which respects truth , the Bible or Quran ?
Which respects truth , the Bible or Quran ?
cross 1.jpg
cross 1.jpg
Do Catholics Study their Bibles ?
Do Catholics Study their Bibles ?
How Christians should view the LGBTQ movement
How Christians should view the LGBTQ movement
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