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Karen Mickleson | profile | all galleries >> France >> France: Yonne, Burgundy (Bourgogne) Photos 1 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

France: Yonne, Burgundy (Bourgogne) Photos 1 | Chateau de Messey Burgundy (Bourgogne) B&B: Ozenay, France | France: Yonne, Burgundy (Bourgogne) Photos 2 | France: Yonne, Burgundy (Cormatin-Bourgogne) Photos 3 | France: Yonne, Burgundy (Chateauneuf-Ouche Canal-Bourgogne) Photos | Central France | Coullioure, France | Paris Photos 1 | Paris Photos 2 (Montmartre) | Paris: D'Orsay Museum Photos | Paris: Rue Cler Photos | Paris: Senlis, Chantilly Photos | Eiffel Tower Visit (Tour d'Eiffel a Nuit) | France: Yvoire Photos (on Lake Geneva) | France: South Paris (Barbizon, Fontainbleu) Photos | Provence: 2000 (Seguret, Roussillon, Ventabren, Fontaine de Vaucluse) | Provence: 2006 (Seguret, Vaison la Romaine, Suzette) | Provence: Forcalquier | France: The Lot and Dordogne

France: Yonne, Burgundy (Bourgogne) Photos 1

The Louhans poultry and agricultural market has been operating since the 17th century, every Monday morning. They specialize in Bresse free-range chickens, and it's full of farmer looking folk picking up chickens by the neck to investigate their quality. There are also pigs and lambs and tons of booths of beautiful vegetables and fruits and anything you can think of along the cobbled streets of this charming medieval village.

If you recognize the name of any village or spot I shot, please let me know.

Handy list of gallery links HERE.

Louhans Agricultural Market Louhans Market: Rooster detail Louhans Market: seller's dog Louhans Market: checking stock
Louhans Market: This Little Piggy Went to Market Louhans Market Louhans D97 Louhans to Ozenay
D97 Louhans to Ozenay D97 Louhans to Ozenay D97 Louhans to Ozenay D97 Louhans to Ozenay
D97 Louhans to Ozenay D97 Louhans to Ozenay Flowers planted to improve the soil Somewhere near Rochepot
g6/06/779706/3/81217635.3E3GZ0kF.jpg Beaune, 2000 Beaune Hospital, 2000 Beaune Hospital, 2000
Beaune, 2000 Beaune, 2000 Beaune Vineyards, 2000 Beaune, 2000