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Planetary Nebulae

In this gallery are my images of planetary nebulae sorted by their galactic coordinates LLL.l+BB.b.
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Kronberger 1 (Kn 1)PN G040.9+08.3
Kronberger 1 (Kn 1)
PN G040.9+08.3
NGC 6210PN G043.1+37.7
NGC 6210
PN G043.1+37.7
Weinberger 3-1 (We3-1)PN G044.3+10.4
Weinberger 3-1 (We3-1)
PN G044.3+10.4
Kohoutek 1-14 (K1-14)PN G045.6+24.3
Kohoutek 1-14 (K1-14)
PN G045.6+24.3
NGC 6804PN G045.7-04.5
NGC 6804
PN G045.7-04.5
Abell 39 (PN A66 39)PN G047.0+42.4
Abell 39 (PN A66 39)
PN G047.0+42.4
Vyssotsky 1-2(Vy 1-2)PN G053.3+24.0
Vyssotsky 1-2
(Vy 1-2)
PN G053.3+24.0
M27PN G060.8-03.6
PN G060.8-03.6
Henize 2-437PN G061.3+03.6
Henize 2-437
PN G061.3+03.6
NGC 6905PN G061.4-09.5
NGC 6905
PN G061.4-09.5
NGC 6765PN G062.4+09.5
NGC 6765
PN G062.4+09.5
M57PN G063.1+13.9
PN G063.1+13.9
Teutsch 1 (Te 1)PN G063.9-01.2
Teutsch 1 (Te 1)
PN G063.9-01.2
NGC 6058PN G064.6+48.2
NGC 6058
PN G064.6+48.2
Campbell's Hydrogen StarBD+30 3639  PN G064.7+05.0
Campbell's Hydrogen Star
BD+30 3639
PN G064.7+05.0
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