Vyssotsky 1-2 (Vy 1-2, PK 053+24.1, PN G053.3+24.0) planetary nebula in Hercules. The red star at
upper right is Tycho-2 2098-1116-1. Taken over several nights from July 06, 2016 to August 01, 2016.
Imaged with CCD Lab’s Q285M camera and a Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 at f10, on a Losmandy G11/Gemini
mount. The OIII subframes were 10, 12, and 15 minutes binned 1x1 and the H alpha subframes were 15
minutes binned 1x1. The RGB subframes were 4 minutes binned 1x1, resulting in the following total
exposures (OIII):(R+Ha):(G+OIII):(B+OIII) (min) = (199):(48+255):(44+199):(48+199). This image is
upsampled 2x and cropped from the original, and is displayed at 0.281 arcsec/pixel. Captured with
Nebulosity, calibrated, sigma combined in Iris with other processing using PixInsight LE and Photoshop
CS. North is up.