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Jose Libres Librodo | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Stepping back in Time at Luang Prabang tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

El Nido: the place, their lifestyle, the faces... | Bright Colors and Reflections: Floating Market, Thailand | In the shadow of Ankur, the majesty, the artistry, the people, their hopes... | Stepping back in Time at Luang Prabang | Visual rhymes and rhythms of Bali | Hala Bira Dinagyang! | the EYE

Stepping back in Time at Luang Prabang

A day and a half to capture the soul of this ancient capital of Laos.
No time wasted, I walked along the riverbank and as the sun sets a jovial group of buddhist monks were in the river swimming,
not farther away, kids joyfully play in the water while they shiver, the last of the spring wind blows on them.
The water is of golden hue as the sun turns fiery, as if, giving its blessing to these peaceful dwellers.
A friendly smile, a gesture towards my camera, a nod and that heralds the start of a more intimate portrait,
may the subject be a child, an elder or a monk.
You woke up very early the following morning, shaking yourself of drowsiness as hundreds of monks in single row,
paraded to collect offerings from the multitude of religious people.
These are the reasons why I came, these images I share to you all... Life in Luang Prabang!
So please vote....

Thank you. Salamat po. Khob khun krap.
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Mekong at Sunset
Mekong at Sunset
Holy Frolic
Holy Frolic
Cry Baby
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Hint of a Smile
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The Crossing
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Rocky Bank
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Golden Pagoda
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Ageless 1
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Innocent Glow
Innocent Glow
Peaceful Repose
Peaceful Repose
Golden Rays
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Little Missy 1
Little Missy 1
Little Missy 2
Little Missy 2
Little Missy 3
Little Missy 3
Bounty 1
Bounty 1
Bounty 2
Bounty 2
Bounty 3
Bounty 3
Holy Trio
Holy Trio
Not in the Mood
Not in the Mood
Last Light
Last Light
Golden Reflectio
Golden Reflectio
Holy Worker
Holy Worker
My Brother
My Brother
My Red Ball
My Red Ball
Hmong Mother and Child
Hmong Mother and Child
Las Tres Hermanas
Las Tres Hermanas
Raw Beauty
Raw Beauty