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Jose Libres Librodo | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hala Bira Dinagyang! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

El Nido: the place, their lifestyle, the faces... | Bright Colors and Reflections: Floating Market, Thailand | In the shadow of Ankur, the majesty, the artistry, the people, their hopes... | Stepping back in Time at Luang Prabang | Visual rhymes and rhythms of Bali | Hala Bira Dinagyang! | the EYE

Hala Bira Dinagyang!

Colors... Rhythm...Dancing..
the whole Iloilo city throbs, gyrate and chants!

meaning merrymaking is the country's best festival.
Celebrated every 3rd weekend of January
to commemorate when the spaniards brought the
statue of the infant Jesus to the aborigines.
This festival is simply an opportunity that photographers should not miss!
I as native Ilonggo,
I would like to invite the photographers of the world to join Iloilo celebrating.
Make your reservations now, contact me so that we can
apply from the festival organizers a photographer's pass!
Thank you. Salamat po. Khob khun Krap.

[ Special thanks to Nikon Philippines ]
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