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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> All my Picture A Day Galleries >> 2017: My own private Weardale > Wren
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Why is the cuckoo’s melody preferred
And nightingale’s rich song so fondly praised
In poet’s rhymes? Is there no other bird
Of nature’s minstrelsy that oft hath raised
One’s heart to extacy and mirth as well?
I judge not how another’s taste is caught:
With mine, there’s other birds that bear the bell
Whose song hath crowds of happy memories brought.
Such the wood-robin singing in the dell
And little wren that many a time hath sought
Shelter from showers in huts where I did dwell
In early spring the tennant of the plain
Tenting my sheep and still they come to tell
The happy stories of the past again.

The Wren by John Clare

Canon EOS 650D,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1/250s f/7.1 at 200.0mm iso4000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer29-Jun-2017 20:04
Beautifully exposed and very nice placement, John. BV
larose forest photos28-Jun-2017 02:34
EXCELLENT shot of this little wren! Really beautiful, and what a great poem too. V
Tom LeRoy27-Jun-2017 12:53
Very fine shot o the elusive little wren. V
Yvonne27-Jun-2017 11:09
One of my favourite birds.. fabulous shot John!
Faye White27-Jun-2017 10:44
Sweet little birdie
Chris27-Jun-2017 06:50
So pretty and so noisy!
Nirvan Hope27-Jun-2017 02:35
Such a cute little fluffball. Love the song of a winter wren around here.
Dennis Hoyne27-Jun-2017 02:23
A superb shot of this little wren, outstanding detail, nice work! V.
LynnH27-Jun-2017 01:30
A very nice poem and a lovely, fuzzy little bird.
Stephanie26-Jun-2017 21:04
What a cute little wren! Superb capture!!!
Martin Lamoon26-Jun-2017 20:30
A magnificent capture of this Wren.
jeanb26-Jun-2017 20:19
Well seen and captured. Love the poem.
Chris Morton26-Jun-2017 19:53
pleased to see one serenading you
laine26-Jun-2017 19:50
A pretty little Wren and a perfect poem to match
Colin Storey26-Jun-2017 19:07
Great catch of the little wren, they move so quick.
globalgadabout26-Jun-2017 19:06
a cheery chirper so well celebrated....excellent capture..
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