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All my Picture A Day Galleries

Walking the dog
:: Walking the dog ::
PAD from planet Johnny
:: PAD from planet Johnny ::
 Nearly always.........sometimes.
::  Nearly always.........sometimes. ::
Rainy day pictures
:: Rainy day pictures ::
Dessine moi un mouton
:: Dessine moi un mouton ::
2008 Relaxed PaD
:: 2008 Relaxed PaD ::
2009 - Wandering aimlessly
:: 2009 - Wandering aimlessly ::
2010 - Every story tells a picture
:: 2010 - Every story tells a picture ::
April 2010 Scavenger hunt
:: April 2010 Scavenger hunt ::
2011 Still snapping
:: 2011 Still snapping ::
2012: PAP (Pictures and Poems)
:: 2012: PAP (Pictures and Poems) ::
The Bleat Goes On
:: The Bleat Goes On ::
:: 2014 ::
2015: AsAWICBA
:: 2015: AsAWICBA ::
Building an Ark
:: Building an Ark ::
2017: My own private Weardale
:: 2017: My own private Weardale ::