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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM

Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 1999
Lens Mount: EF
Random Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Samples from 36977 available Photos more
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nabuang24-Jul-2009 01:59
light weight. AF accurate and fast! sharp lens! very easy to use not a burden to carry around for travel photo! amazing L lens for its price!
Agostino Faggiotto08-Dec-2007 22:43
See also:
Hand held, f/4 with the right shutter speed.
Agostino Faggiotto08-Dec-2007 18:42
This lens is spectacular!
Almost threedimensional.
See if you agree:
Would not trade this lens for a heavier and bulky 2.8.
And I remember to play with ISO for a non-IS steady shot.
Sylvain B.14-Sep-2007 09:13
My first L lens and definitely not my last!
Fast & accurate, delivering sharp, rich in color and well contrasted photos.
I was worried about my hand shaking but in the end, it's not an issue at all! Highly recommended!
Guest 10-May-2007 17:26
This is a wonderful lens! Beautiful rich colors. It remains decently sharp at the long end even with a 1.4 TC attached. Even though it's max aperture is only f/4 it still provides beautiful smooth background blur for portraits. Overall the quality of this lens is superb, and best of all for an "L" series it is quite affordable. The bad news is that once you get a taste of L glass, you won't be able to settle for much less.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 10:59
If you would like a list of sites with reviews email me at the following e-mail. I have an autoresponder set up.
gumby (at) dontquotemeonthat (dot) com

The key wth this lens is the constant f/4 it keeps this maximum apature through the zoom range. I'm going with the 70-300 usm/IS when the funds avail themselves. that it's black and has IS is worth sharpness to me.

Pros: Fast focus, smaller size, excellent sharp, good price
Cons: Tripod collar sold separately

Pros: Not too heavy (although a batgrip would help to balance in the XT's case), super-fast autofocus, very sharp pictures.
Cons: The lens hood. White color.

if your a newbie here's some info

A lens is "fast" when it has a low f-stop... ok so when you have a smaller number the apature is bigger which allows more light through, so this means you can up the shutter speed. and still have enough light reach the sensor.

ok so lets say you have an out door shot if you have say an f/4 lens the shutter speed could be 1/250 of a second and you would get a good exposer. Now this lens can only go f/4

but if you in the same outdoor setting, had an f/2.8 lens you could jump to 1/500 of a second and get the same exposer. and freeze the action mmore effectivly, this i believe is why it's a "fast" lens.

ok have fun and get it done
Charles Bittner

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Guest 16-Jul-2006 09:37
My favourite lens so far. You can check some examples at
rook20-Jun-2006 23:39
I've had this lens for about seven months now and love it. It is about the only lens I ever use (with the occasional exception of my trusty 50mm f1.8). I normally shoot medium telephoto (not much interest in wide angle). Most of my shooting is at zoos and around in the yard during fairly bright conditions (I live in sunny Florida) and I find this lens about perfect for me. It has very vivid color, excellent contrast and detail and is very sharp, even wide open. In addition its excellent bokeh (back ground blur) also makes it very good for portraits. On the down side the lens does not have IS, but I haven't found myself missing it much as I am normally able to maintain pretty hi shutter speeds. In addition it also to short for serious birding but then again so is 300mm (you really need at least 400mm to get good, consistent bird shots). Overall, if you shoot primarily during the day in good bright conditions, don't need IS, or anything longer then 200mm you find a better lens at anywhere near the price (550-600USD).
Guest 19-Jun-2006 01:08
This is my favorite lens - it's very very sharp, even at f/4.
Many photos on my site were taken with this lens.
Guest 13-May-2006 18:26
Just got this lens...fantastic no regrets here.
Guest 17-Jan-2006 18:58
some samples shots here with this superb lens and the 20D, to appreciate natural coloration, contrast and sharpness.
Guest 28-Nov-2005 20:43
Excelente objetivo,peso adecuado y nitidez muy buena
Valery Titievsky25-Nov-2005 08:44
Excellent lens!!!!
Guest 14-Oct-2005 11:09
E' un obiettivo meraviglioso, nitido, contrastato e relativamente leggero ed economico.
Fantastico. Non avrei potuto sperare di meglio.
Dai test mtf risulta essere uno dei migliori obiettivi Canon sul digitale aps-c.
Grandissimo !!!!
Canon-300D16-Nov-2004 18:46
Canon 300D / Digital Rebel / KISS - user group. Your largest Yahoo group resource devoted to this camera.
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John Lehmkuhl08-Nov-2004 07:27
You can purchase the "Black" collar for a lot less than the "White" collar. I'm about to purchase this lens and have learned about this. Save money and ask a few questions !!
Guest 11-Oct-2004 14:58
The tripod collar is an irritating extra expense but if you don't have a strong vertical swivel on your tripod you'll need the collar. It's a great lens but I've found I'll need the collar after all.
Davide Cocchi20-Sep-2004 15:17
Very very shar lens, tremendus contrast. Lightweight adn well balanced. Very good at f4 aperture too.

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