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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> All my Picture A Day Galleries >> 2017: My own private Weardale > Redstart
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Song bird

Talking to the songbird yesterday
Flew me to a place not far away
She's a little pilot in my mind
Singing songs of love to pass the time

Gonna write a song so she can see
Give her all the love she gives to me
Talk of better days that have yet to come
Never felt this love from anyone

She's not anyone

A man can never dream these kinds of things
Especially when she came and spread her wings
Whispered in my ear the things I'd like
Then she flew away into the night

Gonna write a song so she can see
Give her all the love she gives to me
Talk of better days that have yet to come
Never felt this love from anyone

She's not anyone

By Liam Gallagher

Canon EOS 650D,Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM
1/1000s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chris30-Jun-2017 18:21
Oasis get a lot of flack - it's a great group, or was.
Love the words and image, so pretty.
LynnH27-Jun-2017 01:33
That's a beauty I've not seen before. A nice capture! V
Stephanie25-Jun-2017 15:03
A beautiful bird! Great capture JJ! :)
Tom LeRoy25-Jun-2017 13:27
On top of the world, singing his song. Excellent catch. V
Yvonne25-Jun-2017 11:10
Sitting at the summit of what looks to be a mulberry tree...v
Dennis Hoyne25-Jun-2017 02:23
A lovely shot of this little bird. we only see it in passing around here.
Wonderful lyrics to go along.V.
globalgadabout25-Jun-2017 00:50
seductive shot of a solitary sentinel..
jeanb25-Jun-2017 00:26
Perfect combination of lyrics and image.
janescottcumming24-Jun-2017 22:20
Oasis!!! Nice photo and song.
larose forest photos24-Jun-2017 21:33
Great words and strikingly lovely shot. V
Chris Morton24-Jun-2017 21:23
a great sighting; I was listening to them, and lots of others, with a local wildlife group, but the sightings needed powerful binocs
Kim24-Jun-2017 20:25
Very nice capture!V
laine24-Jun-2017 20:16
A lovely bird and words...
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