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12-AUG-2014 jCross

August 12, 2014


We left PEI today headed for New Brunswick. It was a beautiful day. We crossed the Confederation Bridge over the Northumberland Strait. That was impressive.

Our main stop for the day was at Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy. I am sure that everyone has heard of the tides on the Bay of Fundy, and we got a chance to witness them ourselves today. Additionally, it was the days of the closest approach of the moon, so the tides were at their largest. It was about a 41 foot difference. We went down to the beach around the bottom of these rocks at low tide and walked around a bit. A naturalist gave a very interesting running narrative about the history, geology and hydrology of the area. And sure enough, the tide kept rising, as King Canute knew all along. The photo is at a point where the tide had several more feet to rise. At low tide, the Bay of Fundy is converted into a giant mud flat.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/1250s f/8.0 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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jCross16-Aug-2014 01:14
John: Check this out:
Poor photography conditions
John Cooper15-Aug-2014 14:24
The highest tides in the world here.
So where are your two shots from the same place showing high tide and low tide.
I did two like that on the Thames at Putney.
MIT asked to use them in their Hydrology dept.
I do like a good comparison.
jCross13-Aug-2014 22:55
I remember reading about this in
Geography class in grade school. This
is another item crossed off the bucket list.
Dave Beedon13-Aug-2014 21:53
Lucky you for witnessing that event !