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11-AUG-2014 Ginny

August 11, 2014


We started off this morning with a trip to see the College of Piping in Summerside. This is not about cake decorating, it is about playing the pipes and drums and dancing. They put on a nice demonstration of the music and dancing. To me the most interesting thing was a very tattered set of pipes which were supposed to be at the Battle of Culloden.

Who could come to Prince Edward Island without making a pilgrimage to Green Gables. I could, for one, but that was not how it played out. Everybody has heard of the book "Anne of Green Gables." We visited the house that this work of fiction was set in. Today's photo is of that place. It was a very nice day and it was nice to walk around the grounds. I never read the book. Ginny is reading it now. It was a huge hit which made Lucy Maude Montgomery very famous.

We went eastward on the north coast and stopped at Covehead Harbor for a visit with a naturalist. It was interesting. We walked on the sand for a while and got educated about local critters.

After supper we attended a performance of Anne of Green Gables, The Musical. It was the Anne of Green Gable story and it was pretty good, I have to admit. Sure beats reading the book!

Canon PowerShot G15
1/250s f/8.0 at 9.5mm iso100 full exif

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