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Hello Pbase

I was reading through my old PaD galleries the other day and realized how much I missed it. I miss the pictures, I miss the writing, I miss the friends I have on there....I miss it all. What I REALLY miss though is what my PaD was all about in the first place. I miss being forced to slow down and look at the small stuff in life. I miss noticing all the little things in life that make my life different from anyone else’s.

I miss watching Ella drawing the most magnificent mermaid the world has ever seen, all in purple because, after all, purple is her favorite color. I miss noticing that she is drawing to the absolute limits of her three year old mind and not just staying out of my hair. I miss the way she so deliberately draws each line as if it is the most important line to ever be drawn, ever.

I loved my PaD but I just got too busy. Too busy rushing around doing things and stuff. Too busy to comment on your galleries. Too busy taking pictures for money. Too busy coming up with excuses why I shouldn’t be documenting my life. Just too busy.

Well my friends, no more. My resolution for 2011 is to simplify my life. I need to cut out a lot of the unimportant stuff and get back to things that are good for me, like my PaD. I have attempted this before, never with very good results. I have always attempted to add this to my already crazy busy life. I will be limiting the craziness to make room now.

So I am back, hopefully. I hope you all will welcome me back after my absence, though I am not sure I deserve it. I had quite a following of really good people that I feel like I just abandoned. Pbase is where I got my start. Where my first critiques came from. Where I saw those first pictures from Neil Horner and thought, “Wow.....”

Hello Pbase. My name is Jim. I used to live here a long time ago. It’s nice to be back.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marde 12-Jan-2011 21:02
Yay! I am so glad you back. You and Clark are two of my favorite photographers. Not only are your pictures awesome, but you put your heart into the commentary.
tammie27-Dec-2010 01:38
I haven't been around pbase much either.....moved over to JB said the other addiction...but I have a feeling I will be checking in more to see your great pics and read your stories. Welcome back.....look forward to seeing/reading your work in 2011. Best to you and your family.
Margaret Buffin 25-Dec-2010 21:48
Yipee! I am glad you are back! I sure missed your pictures and your stories! Hopefully you can inspire others to the same ;-)
Ed Preston24-Dec-2010 03:10
Welcome back Jim! Missed you and your family. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Mom 23-Dec-2010 18:50
Welcome back! I loved seeing your photographs and reading your thoughts. I may be a little prejudiced, but I think you are very talented. Glad to see you're back!
Guest 23-Dec-2010 09:28
Welcome back, Jim!!!
Cindi Smith23-Dec-2010 04:55
Well, I for one and thrilled to see you posting again and on a PaD! Yippee! Welcome back, Jim. Love this and your words...always makes me think. :)
Marni J. Bradford23-Dec-2010 04:12
Looking forward to seeing and reading about life through your eyes and words Jim - there are only a few people who's galleries I visit regularly and yours was/is one of them. It's great to have you back!
Máire Uí Mhaicín22-Dec-2010 23:52
Pbase, despite its limitations, has been rewarding for many of us. It is good to have you back.
pkocinski22-Dec-2010 22:36
A very welcome back Jim! Funny I was just thinking about you the other day while looking at my favorites.
Mike Stobbs22-Dec-2010 22:23
Welcome back Mr. 5000 !!! hope see more cool stuff again from you.....Mikey
John Buffin22-Dec-2010 22:11
Wooohooo! Where's the "like" button? Oh yea, wrong addiction.

Funny...I got the itch to start doing b&w exclusively for a while. Great minds think alike?
Neil Horner22-Dec-2010 20:26
Welcome back mate ! Hope we see a bit more of you on here , you have been missed.
Guest 22-Dec-2010 19:40
Welcome back, Jim. Take it easy and keep up the beautiful work. V.
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