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Jim Larkin | all galleries >> Galleries >> > Shanksville, PA
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Shanksville, PA

In the field behind these flags, United Airlines flight 93 crashed into the ground at over 500 mph on September 11th, 2001. I was here shortly after the crash. I saw the fresh dirt which filled the crater. I saw the burned trees. I felt the sadness and sorrow. Everything is gone now, back to the way it was. Everything but the sadness and sorrow. The wind blows a little colder here. My eternal thanks to the passengers on Flight 93 for what they did that day. You will never be forgotten.

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Guest 30-Aug-2010 06:32
Just a wonderful shot. Thanks for sharing, Jim. More please.
Laryl19-Jul-2010 17:29
such sad times, and this is an emotional reminder. have to admit I cringe, even in this context, over people writing on the flag... regardless of the reason, we should still respect what it stands for. They could have written their message next to it, with a background or something, but ON the flag? that's just wrong.
Cindi Smith18-Jul-2010 03:47
I lost a friend on that flight. She was one of the flight attendants. Yes, I will always look at all those on that flight as heroes, except, of course, the terrorists. I will never forget that day, ever! Thank you for this reminder.
pkocinski17-Jul-2010 23:33
We should never forget these souls and what they did.
Neil Horner17-Jul-2010 11:46
a simple but perfect memorial. We were in vegas on 9/11 and had to come back through nyc on the first day the planes. Were flying again. We could see the smoke rising over the city from newark. I still cant believe it happened even though it will be ten years next year.
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