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Third day of summer vacation. Gonna be a loooong summer. Longer for some than others.

Third day of summer vacation.


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virginiacoastline13-Jul-2009 15:20
putting on just a LITTLE extra pizazz of enjoyment . . .for the benefit of little sis, eh

hold your ground, Dad.
Matt G. 09-Jul-2009 18:13
Jim, I like that Hannah is living in up to spite Hailey. She's halarious.
Jen Bixler09-Jun-2009 21:11
Now we know why you were so mad! Can't help it but it makes me smile
Mom 09-Jun-2009 01:41
Love the pink ribbon in her hair! HB tomorrow!
pkocinski08-Jun-2009 12:35
Well done Jim.
Guest 08-Jun-2009 05:04
Lol... very nice moment... voted!
Ed Preston08-Jun-2009 00:57
I'm sorry Daddy! I'm sure this is harder on you in many ways.
B. Shortall - BCS Photography08-Jun-2009 00:23
Smile now as Daddy takes your picture!!!
John Buffin08-Jun-2009 00:04
WOW! That's harsh.
Guest 07-Jun-2009 22:06
Makes me smile too : )
optimist07-Jun-2009 21:29
LOL--sorry to your daughter for laughing but this photo says it all! I remember a rare time when I was grounded and watched the neighbor across the street, my best friend, flying a kite in his yard on a fine spring day.
Cindi Smith07-Jun-2009 20:49
Oh my, saw the other one upstairs looking out. Is she in trouble or not feeling well? She sure wants to be down there enjoying that slip and slide!
Cindi Smith07-Jun-2009 20:48
Oh, this brngs back memories! What a great shot!!! I love her face! Enjoy the summer girls!
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