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A Moment of Peace

As most of you know, I am very busy. It just seems that I can never catch a break. When I do managed to catch a break, something else comes up. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not complaining, just telling it like it is.

Today we took the girls to a local outdoor mall for a Webkinz Extravaganza. It was what you would expect an extravaganza to be all about. It was a good time. When we got home, I wanted to take a nap. That’s what I wanted to do.

I love spring. The spring rains come and my grass comes back to life. The brown spots turn green, the bare spots become lush, the prickly grass becomes soft. I love spring.

I hate spring. The spring rains come and my grass comes back to life. The brown spots turn green, the bare spots become lush, the prickly grass becomes soft. I hate spring.

Five days ago I mowed my grass and it was perfect. Then it rained. For five days. ::sigh:: I have a lawn care company come and fertilize my lawn for me. They do a great job. Sometimes too great.

It took me close to three hours to cut it. I don’t own acres, in fact, I don’t even own an acre. What I am the proud owner of now though, is eight full bags of cut grass. That’s a lot of grass. When I finally finished I sat down, ticked off that my evening was destroyed by my ridiculously long, lush grass.

I fired up the grill, cracked open a “Mike’s Hard Lime” and sat on the deck, admiring my truly artistic grass cutting abilities. As I sat there I heard the low whirring of my pool pump. I smelled the smoke from my grill. I heard the three most beautiful girls in the world giggling about the newest of Ella’s words. I watched as my dog would bring me his ball to throw......again and again and again. I took a deep breath of the fresh air that spring had brought without worrying about the Swine Flu, or the stock market. I didn’t wonder if GM will survive or if the war will be over soon. I just smelled my cut grass, sipped my Hard Lime, and was content with how right MY world is.

Cutting the grass is food for the soul. I am convinced of that.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 11-Jun-2009 11:31
The Hard Lime is easily the best of the lot. So Kudos to you on taste. And the image: fantastic. I love the contrast-y black and white and that low perspective.
optimist12-May-2009 03:55
LOL on Mom's story about disconnecting the spark plugs to get out of mowing when you were a kid...
Mom 09-May-2009 13:22
Yes, you have been missed! Ahem...."food for the soul"! You didn't feel that way growing up. I remember when you disconnected the spark plugs on the mower so you didn't have to mow the lawn. LOL Ahhhh how times change!!!
Guest 09-May-2009 01:21
First, I put down weed killer and it did nothing. Then, I put down fertizler and it did nothing. Then I put down a combination weedkiller and fertizler and it killed my grass,but I have the healtiest weeds in town.
Gosh....this lawn stuff is hard.
John Buffin07-May-2009 20:11
Time to buy an edger, dude. ;)

I am soooo glad spring is here, with summer hot on it's tail.
Guest 05-May-2009 04:43
I love where you come from Jim. I will go out on a limb and say that if we lived in the same country we would be kindred spirits. Girlie stuff I know. I love your honesty, the no mask BS and the way you see life. I love mowing the lawns and have some great talks with myself and ma dad andhave the most creative ideas, thinking while I mow the lawn.Food for the soul for sure, and the senses. Love the perspective here in every way. Thanks for sharing.
Cindi Smith05-May-2009 03:22
Yes, it is! I cut mine and enjoyed it too! You do have a wonderful the low perspective on this shot!
Guest 05-May-2009 01:25
well written as usual jim. sheila and i had nine bags on sunday. i'm want to figure a way to make biofuel or something worthy with it or genetically engineer grass that only grows only to ~ 2.5 inches long. but as you said..i think we would miss that feeling afterwards.
virginiacoastline04-May-2009 14:43
I have PUL-ENTY of food for your soul out here . . . ANY time . . .seriously . . ANY TIME you want more!!

pkocinski04-May-2009 13:34
Good to see you're still around. Yes the grass grows too fast this time of year but there is great satisfaction in seeing it after it's cut - a sense of accomplishment that's easily measured.
Máire Uí Mhaicín04-May-2009 09:24
It's good to see you back here, despite your busy life at work and at home. You've been missed...
Ed Preston04-May-2009 04:12
Yep, it sure is growing quickly this year! I'm having a hard time keeping up with my grass and all the grass at Stonefield Village where I volunteer my time cutting grass!

Haven't had a Mike's for awhile, may have to pick some up! Oh and by the way, nice shot! :-)
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