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There is an area in downtown Cleveland which is called “The Flats”. It occupies both the east and west banks of the Cuyahoga river. The Flats was originally an industrial area, home to steel mills and factories. In the 80’s and 90’s it became an entertainment mecca. Music halls, bars, clubs, adult entertainment....the Flats had it all and all within walking distance of itself.

In the 90’s I came of age down there. I have many stories that I could regale you with. Stories that are not unlike many of yours. Stories of general debauchery and drunkenness. Stories of girls and fights. It was a great time to be in your early 20s. Once down there you could stumble from bar to bar, club to club. There was even a water taxi to get you to the other side of the river. After the bars closed at 2:30 am we would stumble to a gyro stand along the street or wander into Panini’s for, I swear to you, the best sandwiches ever. Even though the bars were closed, Panini’s was good until 3:30 or so. By 4am you were on your way home. They were times that I will never forget.

By 2000 things were changing. The city was cracking down on building violations and many of the bars were closing. I was married and had kids by then, so I didn’t go down there anymore. I will never forget the first time I went down there and found everything shuttered. All of my favorite places were gone. All of the memories forever locked inside. As the economy got worse, so did the Flats. Now you are hard pressed to find a club open down there. A few corner bars but really, that’s about it.

What’s even more sad to me is that the businesses that MADE the Flats are closing. A lot of the small factories and shops are closing, unable to compete in this economy. The Flats have turned into a gritty, scary place. Crime is rampant. Business is dead. I’m not sure I would go down there at night now.

I came down to take some pictures. I have always loved the gritty feel of the Flats but it was different now. I was uneasy, like I no longer belonged down there. There were roving groups of young guys walking around and hanging out. While I had a gun with me, I have no doubt that I was outgunned. It occurred to me that a gun in the Flats doesn’t buy you safety at all. It MAY buy you survival if you can draw first.

I kept an eye on my surroundings and got my pictures. I will be going back. I really want to make a gallery with 100 or so shots that I can turn into a book for me. While most of the places I went are now gone, some are still around and I would like to immortalize them before it’s too late.

While walking around, this is all I saw. “For Lease”, “For Sale” “Closed”....I feel like an old friend was dying. The city leaders tell us that Cleveland is OK but I’m not so sure. As you drive through, you might believe that. Once you get out and start walking, it’s a different city. Scary and sad at the same time.

I remember dancing in a club called the Basement and thinking that I could do this every night, forever. I was unable to comprehend that it would end one day. Nothing lasts forever I guess.

Even things that are bigger than life. It all comes crashing down one day.

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Matt G. 31-Mar-2009 13:38
Things I did in the Flats. Danced on a washing machine. Swam in a bar. Took a boat to a bar. Drank when I was 16. Broke up with a girl, and started dating a girl, in one night. Just a sample. Oh, tossed rotten limes and lemons at homeless people from the roof of a Basement. You figure it out.
Laryl30-Mar-2009 19:31
things change.. I don't even recognize the areas I grew up in
Gail Davison28-Mar-2009 13:27
You paint a vivid picture of the place. In London, some of the places like this have been 'reinvented' into corporate hell - chain restaurants and 'no photos allowed'. Let's hope that doesn't happen to The Flats!
Dan Chusid28-Mar-2009 05:58
What goes around...
...eventually comes around.
Cindi Smith27-Mar-2009 03:16
Same thing is happening here, happening everywhere. I like the idea you are putting together a book. I'm sorry this place is disappearing. I hope one day it will regain new life!
Mom 26-Mar-2009 20:02
WOW! I can't believe most of the places are closed. Even Shooters???? What about Howl at the Moon! You're right, rarely does something last forever. You book will be a real treasure to you when you are my age.
pkocinski26-Mar-2009 15:39
Similar situation around here as far as store front space available. The image with the reflection of a bridge is just awesome! It's the bridge between the "old times" and the "new times". Very well done Jim.
Ed Preston26-Mar-2009 15:30
LOL at Doria, I'd make it co-workers(armed)not just any old friends! Love the reflections and it's very sad, even in our small hamlet, similar words just different names on the signs. That bridge might make a gallery of it's own!
jude26-Mar-2009 13:48
sign of the times...

You know, when I was a teenager the Flats was a cool place to go. Then it became a very scary place. Then - after I'd moved to Michigan - yuppies spruced it up and it was "the place to go"... now? apparently, not so much. What a total shame.

I supposed The Mad Hatter was gone by the time you were .. um... born? lol
It wasn't far from The Agora

good times, good times ;)
Doria26-Mar-2009 09:30
Jim, go back. But bring some friends with you. (like 3 or 4)
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