For a while now I have been driving past this old farm. When I say old, I mean literally old. It is in a state of great disrepair. The weeds are growing up while the buildings are falling down. It is hauntingly beautiful. I finally saw someone there and I was able to get permission from them to use the property for sessions. In talking with the owners, I found out the farm is from 1893 and most of the buildings on the property are original.
Today I went to check it out with my camera in my hand. Hannah wanted to go, so off we went. I just wanted to go and get a few shots to see what works, what doesn’t, and what might. We wandered around first, looking in windows and trying to figure out if ghosts are real. After checking things out for a bit, I started shooting. I took around 20 pictures or so, at different places on the property. Hannah loved it. She smiled, she stuck her tongue out, she laughed, she frowned....she just had fun....with me.
Hannah loves me, this I am sure of. I am also sure that she knows that I love her. With that said, I have recently had to transition from tickling my little baby girl to having a young lady that is now into young lady things. For a while, me and Hannah drifted apart a bit, as I had trouble with the transition. Lately though, we are back. She lays with me on the couch, content with being hugged instead of tickled. She likes to talk about things, real my past or current events. Today we hung out and she had a lot of fun being a model. She already asked me if we can go back tomorrow.
Of all of my shots today, this is the one I love the most. We were joking around about something when I took this and she was laughing. This isn’t a canned smile, it’s a real moment between me and Hannah, captured forever. This is the kind of picture that makes me get misty eyed as I sit here now and look at it. This is the kind of picture that I will have in my house until the day I die.
I love my girls, all of them, more than I ever thought I could love anything. I can’t even remember what was important in my life before they came along. was a good day.
It was a very good day.