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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Trains (mainly from Sweden) >> Past glory of Rail tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Past glory of Rail

The last 50 years developments have had a large impact on the railway infrastructure in Sweden (and elsewhere, of course). Final phase-out of steam was initiated in the 1950s and a major slaughter has occurred to the auxiliary rail network, with two major waves - 1960-1970 and 1985-1990. The rolling stock has been largely unified, and a wide range of types have been withdrawn and scrapped.

In the backwater, remains from past glory of rail is found almost everywhere. As the Swedish Rail Infrastructure Authority is constantly cash-strapped, the renewal of past glory will surely go on...
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Grängesberg scrap yard
gallery: Grängesberg scrap yard
The train cemetery
gallery: The train cemetery
Abandoned rail stock
gallery: Abandoned rail stock
The old rail bridges at Gysinge
gallery: The old rail bridges at Gysinge
The abandoned track
gallery: The abandoned track
The abandoned Inland Railway
gallery: The abandoned Inland Railway
Abandoned narrow gauge
gallery: Abandoned narrow gauge
Vislanda scrap yard
gallery: Vislanda scrap yard
The Monterey Branch
gallery: The Monterey Branch
The ancient signal
gallery: The ancient signal
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