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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Decay, ruins, wrecks and scrap >> The train cemetery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The train cemetery

Scrapping of obsolete Swedish trains seems to have had its ups and downs over the years. After massive waves of purging, which was more or less finished during the 1980s, most of the pre-1960 stock was slaughtered. Recent years have seen a sort out of passenger coaches of the 1960s, which has been made obsolete by an increased usage of EMUs. Further, a small scrap-out of the former German class 420 EMUs, which were acquired some years ago as a stop-gap solution for the Stockholm commuter traffic. As the new class X60 EMUs are put into service, we'll probably see a massive slaughter of the 1970 vintage class X1 EMUs. [Update 2007-05-19 That has surely started to happen now]

This dump and recycling plant is surely a terribly gloomy place - a feeling that was boosted with rain and a gray sky. For some reason, the weather has always been really bad when I've been there...
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