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John S. Nasche | all galleries >> The Wonderful - Horrible PAD >> It's a Guy Thing - PAD > 03-14-05
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14-MAR-2005 J.S.Nasche


Tallahassee / Quincy, Florida

Comparing Apples to Oranges
On the left is an American made 30-06 steel tipped armor piercing round from WWII, brought back from North Africa by my Dad with six others to match it.
On the right is a Chinese made 9mm steel tipped armor piercing round from modern times.
Which one do you think does a better job in piercing armor?
Sometimes guys ask dumb questions huh?

This PAD photo was taken on 03-14-05, but due to computer and PBase issues, I wasn’t able to upload it until today, 03-15-05.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/5.6 at 80.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-Mar-2005 08:38
Maybe not such a dumb question, John. It would be interesting to know the respective weights and muzzle velocities to judge inertial impact; propellants have come a long way since WWII. That said, I think I’m with you on the winner.