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John S. Nasche | all galleries >> Galleries >> Self Portraits > 03-13-05
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13-MAR-2005 J.S.Nasche


Tallahassee / Quincy, Florida

“Now the question is, …
Do you feel lucky?”

Guys love to shoot handguns.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/500s f/5.6 at 80.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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John S. Nasche17-Mar-2005 22:18
It was hard to get the focus right since I'm a purist and insist on doing everything myself. The solution was to have my wife hold her hand up while the camera was on a tripod and focus on her hand. Then, setting the self timer I carefully moved in beside her and placed the Glock in the same position as her hand and let her step away. All this in ten seconds. I was pleased with the results.
Wesley Aston17-Mar-2005 22:10
Well with both hands up, it was hard to type that this is scary! and awesome :)
bonnici15-Mar-2005 04:32
um, no not without that badboy being locked back....I feel very unlucky.....Ive never liked looking down the business end of a Glock. Beauty of a Glock tho....
Josy's Pics13-Mar-2005 23:24
Cool DOF... good job!
Antonis Sarantos13-Mar-2005 21:08
Ok, i'll vote you...
Gary Winters13-Mar-2005 20:58
Nope, and I'm backing away slowly... lol