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John S. Nasche | all galleries >> The Wonderful - Horrible PAD >> It's a Guy Thing - PAD > 03-15-05
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15-MAR-2005 J.S.Nasche


Tallahassee / Quincy, Florida

I tried to think of how many women I’ve ever seriously dated in my life.
The total was a couple of dozen or so.
Almost every one of them loved cappuccino.
Every one of them was terrified of the machine that makes it.
Heat – boiling water, screaming steam, the possibility of an explosion.
Ahhh! All the things guys love to play with!
Gerie wanted cappuccino tonight, … but she refused to make it.
I wonder why?
Must be a guy thing. LOL!

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/4.0 at 35.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Susanne16-Mar-2005 22:34
Yummmy!!! I want some too and I too leave that up to the guy. Have no guy right how about if you make me some and send bring it on just around the corner anyway :0
Guest 16-Mar-2005 07:34
hmmmmmmmmm coffeeeeeee

Dawn16-Mar-2005 02:58
LOL.. (no.. won't say it... ) Grin.. Looks like a couple of well made cuppa's there John!