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IMRAN HAFEEZ | all galleries >> Y a s e e n >> 1 year plus > 18 Months
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18 Months

April 05, 2008

Nikon D200 ,Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D AF
1/60s f/5.0 at 60.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jack Hoying17-Apr-2008 03:24
I like his "serious" look in this shot. Nice lighting, as always.
Guest 15-Apr-2008 05:19
WOW he sure is growing up.... What a beautiful little boy!!!
My "little" one will be 8 years old this year, wow, the time sure does fly!!!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo09-Apr-2008 23:28
He is growing into a fine young man!
Guest 07-Apr-2008 16:49
Very nice work Imran.
TuTmin07-Apr-2008 04:31
Nice photo . I like his skin tone & his way of looking at you:) voted
Guest 07-Apr-2008 02:11
momad3004406-Apr-2008 23:36
I love this little boy! He's absolutely beautiful and you take such wonderful photos of him. They bring out his pesonality...wish you lived next door!

Rev. Kelly Todd06-Apr-2008 22:01
Nice image Imran, but I really like the big smile of the first one the best!
Ann06-Apr-2008 16:32
Perfect capture of a beautiful little boy.
Sue Weisensel06-Apr-2008 12:54
Beautiful. A very photogenic little boy!
Bea.06-Apr-2008 12:02
Excellent shot, such beautiful skin tones, and for a change, a rather serious expression.
Steve Morris06-Apr-2008 09:52
Wow - amazing photo, but how did you get him to sit still!!! Big vote!
Laura Milholland06-Apr-2008 04:57
Oh, wonderful! He is so grown up looking.
Ruth Voorhis06-Apr-2008 04:34
This ia a beautiful photo, Imran. What a lovable little boy he is!
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