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All Cameras >> Nikon >> Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D AF

Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D AF Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 28-Aug-2000
Lens Mount: AF-D
Random Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D AF Samples from 7884 available Photos more
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ron shufflebarger24-Mar-2009 03:14
Even though I have purchased the 24-70(shooting D300/200), this is still my go to lens on a walk about. The macro is excellent, sharp, great IQ. Just doesn't have all of the "N" and "G" and AF-S so is thought obsolete----------wrong--ron s.
t. waseem15-Jan-2007 18:36
A few images by this lense here
t. waseem11-Jun-2006 07:27
You spoke my mind Dan:
This is a superb lense best " normal" zoom range on my D200. Much sharper images than my previous 20 D & 17-40 canon.
Guest 10-Jun-2006 04:29
Well, nobody's made a comment on this lens. I'm suprised, it's such a great lens! It's a relatively quick lens at f/2.8-4, its super sharp, even at wide open apertures. It covers a "perfect" focal range in my opinion (I shoot a D200 body) Considering this is a film lens its really more like a 36-105mm because of the 1.5x multiplier. Another point I'd like to make is that it is internal focusing, and with that said you only have to turn the focusing ring about 1/8 of a full turn to go from closest to infinity (not counting the macro setting)

Bottom line, if you're thinking of picking up this lens, DO IT! You will not be dissapointed. It is a bit on the expensive side at about $560 (I say this as a 21-year-old college student) But well worth the money. The macro mode is superb also.

One more thing with this lens. Out of the lenses I Have a Nikkor 50mm 1.8, a Sigma 70-200 2.8, and a 18-70 3.5-5.6, and this 24-85 2.8-4 the 24-85 lets you get a good feel for the depth of field, so thats a plus too.

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