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Silvia Roitman | all galleries >> Galleries >> flora > after the rain
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16-MAY-2007 silvia

after the rain

Canon PowerShot A510
1/25s f/4.5 at 16.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dr. Michael G. Mathews18-May-2007 14:08
Love the raindrops. Great image.
flowsnow18-May-2007 05:25
Char18-May-2007 01:20
Hi Silvia,
A beautiful capture!
marie-jose wolff17-May-2007 19:29
very nice rain pearls! V.
LeuAnna Taylor17-May-2007 16:53
All those pretty little rain drops lined up in a row - very nice, Silvia!
yosi aptekar17-May-2007 16:15
lovely shot.
Paco López17-May-2007 15:30
Preciosas gotas como cristal!!! Gran voto!
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