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Silvia Roitman | all galleries >> Galleries >> flora > arbol viejo
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22-MAY-2007 silvia

arbol viejo

Canon PowerShot A510
1/60s f/4.0 at 9.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ilana gil27-May-2007 14:01
Great textures and very nice abstract.
Eric Carrčre27-May-2007 13:50
Beautiful picture, V.
Guest 27-May-2007 12:48
Nice! V
Marcia Colelli27-May-2007 12:19
great detail and texture V
Shimon Levkovich27-May-2007 09:57
Great natural image, I can see inside a lot of "paintings". GMV Silvia.
LeuAnna Taylor27-May-2007 09:40
Nice find, Silvia - great abstract!
marie-jose wolff27-May-2007 07:33
I like the texture and the tones! V.
Guest 27-May-2007 07:18
Excellent abstraction, great textures and tones!
laine8227-May-2007 05:27
The termites have been busy !!! great textures, Silvia.
Paco López27-May-2007 04:41
Bonito abstracto!!! Bellos colores. V!!
Greg Harp27-May-2007 03:11
Marvelous tone and textures.
Dr. Michael G. Mathews27-May-2007 02:55
Agreed. Great abstract image from natural sources. Well seen.
Alejandro26-May-2007 22:21
Bonita formas y bonito abstracto. V.
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