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Silvia Roitman | all galleries >> Galleries >> flora > flor amarilla
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10-MAY-2007 silvia

flor amarilla

Canon PowerShot A510
1/50s f/5.5 at 23.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bernd Koenemann05-Aug-2007 13:03
La composicion de los colores es perfecta.
QUERIDO11-May-2007 07:17
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 11-May-2007 04:09
A very original flower shot, but to the creative isolation work and the composition. Great one, Silvia.
Guest 11-May-2007 03:07
Great contrast
Char11-May-2007 02:24
Hi Silvia,
Beautiful shot and wonderful colors! \/
clark langley10-May-2007 23:12
Great shot. I love the BUG.
Eric Carrčre10-May-2007 20:57
Beautiful composition Silvia ;o)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-May-2007 19:03
Nice shot, very fine contrast between background and flower.
Guest 10-May-2007 17:52
What Neal said. :)
laine8210-May-2007 17:09
Beautiful !!!
Paco López10-May-2007 16:38
Una mezcla de colores bellísima, Silvia!! Me gusta mucho. Voto!
Guest 10-May-2007 14:00
Nice contrast!
Guest 10-May-2007 13:20
so lonely but simply beautiful.
Marcia Colelli10-May-2007 12:42
very nice composition.Nice catch to have the little bug also
Neal Nye10-May-2007 12:08
So lovely, isolated among all the dead grasses. Beautifully composed!
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