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Rosanna Longenbaker | all galleries >> Spain >> Home Stay: Segovia > Nuestra Señora del Rosario
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September 3, 2001 Rosanna Longenbaker

Nuestra Señora del Rosario

San Cristóbal de Segovia, Segovia, Spain

(Our Lady of the Rosary) This is the church in San Cristóbal. It is a Catholic church located next
to the town hall. The large round object on the top of the steeple is a stork’s nest. The streamers
in front of the church were left over from a festival. The car parked in front has an M on its
license plate for Madrid. A large yellow mailbox sits near the church for people to mail letters
in. As far as I know there is no post office in San Cristóbal. I do not remember very well what
the church looked like on the inside. I know it had candles and the things which are usually in
churches and I know there was a sacristy to the side of the church. That is where I went to
interview the priest for my paper about San Cristóbal. He worked in two parishes in two
different villages so both Zulay and I ended up interviewing him for the same class.

See a related story at ____________ about the church in San Lorenzo.

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