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Jennifer Zhou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shanghai Story > Waiting, East Hospital, Shanghai, China 2005
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Waiting, East Hospital, Shanghai, China 2005

Canon EOS 10D
1/30s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kal Khogali07-Mar-2006 11:49
I saw this in Xmas while in the UK Jen...I loved not only the image, but where it was places, new's fundamental to the idea of photography to me. The irony is my feet lead in to the dark.....yours in to the light ;-)) K
Phil Douglis22-Dec-2005 18:58

***Abstraction makes this image expressive, Jen. You use a double frame here -- first the camera and then the doors, to express the tedium of waiting in a large hospital. All we see are the feet of the person who is waiting. We can only imagine the rest of him. His disembodied figure makes a striking contrast to the moving figures in the background. They may be going home, but the fellow who waits so quietly here is not going anyplace.
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