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Cristine Varney | all galleries >> Galleries >> my midnight garden > ...lost to the night
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...lost to the night

It all started as a dance in the moonlight.
What harm could come from that, she thought
as she raised her arms and was enveloped by
the soft balmy breeze. She closed her eyes
and surrendered to the evening's dark cloak...
when she opened them again, her eyes were looking
directly into his...the prisoner of the fence...
The fence appeared set afire by the Moon's light...

that occurred three days ago... no one has
seen her since that night ...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil03-Jun-2006 04:07
this is really wonderful and I love the words....lost...on the day after Xmas...
PauloCGama26-Dec-2005 01:46
love it.
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